سلام اینا کلمات قصار به زبان انگلیسیت یا خاطرات روزانه آخه من سوادم کمه آبجی .خوشال شدم از آشناییت به منم سر بزن . حالا اگه نتونستی بخونی چی؟!
khoobeh yeki coment gozasht !!!laaghal addresseh blogeto mizashti!
hey thats good! u sould not care what people think of u! and u should love ur self! well maybe that will encourage other people to do the same! bye dolphin lover!
yo i go wit dolphin girl! by the way dolphin girl is the same person as all no names! so far!bye ps girls rock
oomadam begam man engli c saram nemishe torky age balad boodi baham sohbat konim
سلام اینا کلمات قصار به زبان انگلیسیت یا خاطرات روزانه آخه من سوادم کمه آبجی .خوشال شدم از آشناییت به منم سر بزن . حالا اگه نتونستی بخونی چی؟!
khoobeh yeki coment gozasht !!!laaghal addresseh blogeto mizashti!
thats good! u sould not care what people think of u! and u should love ur self! well maybe that will encourage other people to do the same! bye dolphin lover!
i go wit dolphin girl! by the way dolphin girl is the same person as all no names! so far!bye ps girls rock
oomadam begam man engli c saram nemishe torky age balad boodi baham sohbat konim