I think greeny has finally found some one!I can’t believe that I had a crush on him and now I don’t give a damn,,,well c’est la vie I guess,,,in martikeh Orlando ham k is younger than me ahhhhhhhhhhhh,,but I really want to be his friend like brotherly sisterly!!!
What a handsome guy( with a very perfect and short ponytail)!!!,,he works at the computer services……. he started (jumped) to help me and asked about my studies and told me that he once saw me in the class but I never showed up again in that class and I said see you around! ,,,,I feel so stupid!...I didn’t see between the lines or maybe I did but I just get intimidated by good looking guys,,,,,,,,,,,anyways I really wish to see him around!,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
I am really confused about my courses but I am leaving it to God almighty ,,,,,PLEASE,,,,,