Can U believe it?????? there is one girl in our universty,,she is Iranian(well like me!),,and when ever I talk with her, all she is talking about is that she has to find a husband and it's getting late and blah blah blah!!!!,,anyway she is got short hair but today I saw her with long hair!!!she put something like a wig on her hair had a full make up and wore a suite at university that everyone wear tore jeans and shirts,,,she has to be really.. I mean really desperate and she is willing to find a husband with her new fake hair,,,,well good luck!! was disgusting though!! Ughhhhh ,,khak bar saret!,am I being mean ???It was creeeeepy ...
سلام دوست خوب من.....خواستم به نوبه خودم این عید با شکوه رو بر شما...تبریک بگویم.....به قول مادر بزرگم که میگفت: پسرم هر روز شاد بودی اون روز عیدت هست....ولی خوب ما هم سنت شکنی نمیکنیم..عید شما مبارک......شاد و پیروز باشید....اگر مایل بودید ...پیش ما بیایید و با امدنت از صفای خودت به کلبه حقیر ما ببخش تا این کلبه حقیر هم با صفای شما عزیزان گرم و بزرگوار بشه....به امید حق..گمنام مرد
U r right ,that's not my fucking business!!!!I feel bad right now that I wrote these things but I am not going to delete it k yadam b mooneh k"Mind your business and don't judje people"...sorry :(
be haghe chizaye nashnide !! migan hame chi bar aks shode ! ishalla in 2khtare ham ba in mooha ye shohare khoob peyda kone ! vali mage shohar gir avordan ba moo mishe ? ghadima ye chizaye Dge mohem bood :)) man ke mordam az khande ! movafagh bashi :D
very beauti
سلام دوست خوب من.....خواستم به نوبه خودم این عید با شکوه رو بر شما...تبریک بگویم.....به قول مادر بزرگم که میگفت: پسرم هر روز شاد بودی اون روز عیدت هست....ولی خوب ما هم سنت شکنی نمیکنیم..عید شما مبارک......شاد و پیروز باشید....اگر مایل بودید ...پیش ما بیایید و با امدنت از صفای خودت به کلبه حقیر ما ببخش تا این کلبه حقیر هم با صفای شما عزیزان گرم و بزرگوار بشه....به امید حق..گمنام مرد
U r right ,that's not my fucking business!!!!I feel bad right now that I wrote these things but I am not going to delete it k yadam b mooneh k"Mind your business and don't judje people"...sorry :(
be haghe chizaye nashnide !! migan hame chi bar aks shode ! ishalla in 2khtare ham ba in mooha ye shohare khoob peyda kone ! vali mage shohar gir avordan ba moo mishe ? ghadima ye chizaye Dge mohem bood :)) man ke mordam az khande !
movafagh bashi :D
I think u r very very strange with nice thinking!