darsam k tamomm shod let's have a party and invite greeny
پنجشنبه 24 شهریورماه سال 1384 ساعت 09:07 ب.ظ
I saw greeny today he just passed by me and didn't jjump this time to say Hi!,,jump dear jump!!
پنجشنبه 24 شهریورماه سال 1384 ساعت 07:32 ب.ظ
well I got all worried about nothing ,,,he emailed me back ,,quite sounded nice I must add,,I am so fucked up still cause how the fuck I am suppose to teach something when I have no clue what so ever myself!???well that's me,,porroo khanoom!
پنجشنبه 24 شهریورماه سال 1384 ساعت 07:31 ب.ظ