It's not a crime to take care of yourself because you can't give what you don't have

I think I use this sarcastic tone with Luis,,it might hurt his feeelings so I better stop and being nicer..pooooooof.,,,baba man k bikhialeh greeny shodam ,,,,I have not seen him like for more than a week so may be it's not just meant to be,,,whatever man ,,,,there are lots of fish in the sea!

my class was full this time,quite oppsite to the last one when I had only like one student,because the other tutor didn't come today......thank you my dear god I am such an idiot and you are like the nicest thing that has ever been known to me,,I love you and can't thank you enough for what I have.
what happend to grreny I wonder,,,Bro told me that the persian party was apparantly a blast and I am scared that he had met some one over there,,,but if we are meant to be we are meant to be,,so maybe I just have to let it be....let it be let it be...........