Went to lunch with my friend to this Irish restaurant near my school and I ate like a cow. Came home and ate two muffins 4 dessertL, anyways I won’t have dinner to compensate!,,,,,,,,,went to see my supervisor and he can’t see me till sept.!!!!!!!!!,I am kind of offended which I shouldn’t be because he apologized for it and he is the guy who never says sorry to anybody let alone his students!!!,I was thinking to take two courses for September but I am afraid that I couldn’t handle it,pooooooof  ,,but who cares about my grades at this level…..mmmmmm,,what else?.....have not seen bobby yet,I kind of miss him,,,,


I am trying to get some ideas about linear systems. Maybe I‘ll get this course for fall.I have lost my flash disk L.I think someone fricking stole it.mmmmmmmm,,,what else ,oh, haven’t seen bobby yet today.I’m going to play tennis tonight J yayy,,,,,still not comfortable with my hair……..That’s it for today!

I cut my hair today. I just went for a trim and he cut like 6 inches! L.I am soooooooooo mad…I love my hair,SHIT !..ooh and I saw the guy that I have crush on ,,he is so my type,,he is so tall and good looking but he is like 3 years younger so no good can come out of it …I just kept my cool around him ,,I think he has no idea that I like hime,,well it’s better this way,,if he was at least my age I would have gone 4 it but alas!..can’t break my rules!