یکشنبه 15 مردادماه سال 1385 22:11
I like Woody Allen’s movies. My favorite colors are green and white and pink. I like pop and country music. I have a very short phase and get mad very easily and can’t stand 80% of people around me. I LOVE fashion , fashion is my passion!.............I know all the brands but can’t afford them!...The only brand that I...
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پنجشنبه 12 مردادماه سال 1385 17:04
I am under the impression that I look like Molly Sims J
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چهارشنبه 11 مردادماه سال 1385 19:30
This a reminder for me so please ignore this post everybody except me I am so thin and tall. I look like a model. I will become a doctor in 4 years. I have the best family in the world. So what’s wrong with me?????????...I promise myself to act the part no matter what!...........I am fabulous. You know what, if you...
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چهارشنبه 11 مردادماه سال 1385 15:37
I don’t know why Babak completely ignores me???,,,he used to give me signals but suddenly he stopped……He acts like he is mad at me or some thing ,,,,,,,,pooooooooooooooooof……..well he is three years younger but he doesn’t know that so why Why why…?!,,well why the fuck I even care?!
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سهشنبه 3 آبانماه سال 1384 15:19
My god dear God plz mak ehim to answer my email and make it be a good answer and a decent one.please please,,,,,,PLEASE,,,,, Oh and I saw greeny yesterday on my way to the bathroom we just said salam ,,,,he looked cute!
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شنبه 30 مهرماه سال 1384 18:10
Greeeeeeeeeeeeeeenyyyy,,,,greeeeeeeeeeeeeeny where r u?!
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شنبه 30 مهرماه سال 1384 15:49
If Orad doesn't answer then I can start with Lany because his sabatical finishes on January
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جمعه 29 مهرماه سال 1384 21:41
I am going to this party and all my friends have ditched me,,,,I am friend less again!
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جمعه 29 مهرماه سال 1384 01:23
agha in nashod oon ....ghoseh nakhor...fogheshamhich kodoom nashod k nashod who cares,,
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پنجشنبه 28 مهرماه سال 1384 15:51
I don't no why the guy has not answered my email yet,,it's so strange at the same time maybe he is not sure ,,,,I don't know .....and I have not seen greeny for a looooong time maybe it's better this way....pooooooooof ,,,,,,,,,khodas mnao bebakhsheh faghat hamin,,bskeh man gavam and nashokr and dahan kagh and kam...
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شنبه 23 مهرماه سال 1384 21:14
با من باشی زمین وآسمون حسودیشون میشه به عشقمون by zaino asemoon I mean every one in school!
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جمعه 22 مهرماه سال 1384 19:22
It's not a crime to take care of yourself because you can't give what you don't have
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جمعه 22 مهرماه سال 1384 12:47
I think I use this sarcastic tone with Luis,,it might hurt his feeelings so I better stop and being nicer..pooooooof.,,,baba man k bikhialeh greeny shodam ,,,,I have not seen him like for more than a week so may be it's not just meant to be,,,whatever man ,,,,there are lots of fish in the sea!
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سهشنبه 19 مهرماه سال 1384 19:44
my class was full this time,quite oppsite to the last one when I had only like one student,because the other tutor didn't come today......thank you my dear god I am such an idiot and you are like the nicest thing that has ever been known to me,,I love you and can't thank you enough for what I have. what happend to...
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جمعه 15 مهرماه سال 1384 22:48
It's really better not to think about greeny that much cause if I see him with another girl then I wll crash so it's better to have my options open and not to think about him that much...Do you agree?!
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جمعه 15 مهرماه سال 1384 22:46
It's not always about what you do but how you sell it
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پنجشنبه 14 مهرماه سال 1384 20:58
It was his memorial today,,my beloved teacher,I just loved him ..such a nice guy,,,,and I miss Greeny ALOT..like ,where the hell are you?!and I told my bro to tell abroo that I am Not going to do that ! It's like I don't want to think about greeny cause it's just destructive and can affect my cool face when ever I see...
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چهارشنبه 13 مهرماه سال 1384 14:00
well just one of them came yesterday,,,,,but it was fun,,thank you my dear God,,thank you so much for the university and every thing,,I can't thank you enough for the life that I have,,,I really LOVE you ,,,,,,thank you very much,,,thank you
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سهشنبه 12 مهرماه سال 1384 16:24
I have this fear that no one comes because of what I did last week,,,we'll seeeeeeeeeeee
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دوشنبه 11 مهرماه سال 1384 21:50
من زن ایرانی اهل خودویرانی آئینه دق کرده بس که هقهق کرده
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یکشنبه 10 مهرماه سال 1384 23:31
I really hope that no one saw me with that fcking gy,,,what the hell,,,,,,digeh barayeh hameh khodeto begir b joz greeny and shepesheh bozorg
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یکشنبه 10 مهرماه سال 1384 18:57
went to lunch and coffee with my suitor,,,,,,,miss greeny A LOT,,,,,saw hendi-arab he kissed me on both chicks and was very friendly at hello and very hostile when he said bye,,,there is definitly something wrong with the guy!"mokhesh tab dareh!" God please bless me with your kindness and let me have a real good one!
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پنجشنبه 7 مهرماه سال 1384 22:04
isn't greeny cute with his key walking down the library?!
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پنجشنبه 7 مهرماه سال 1384 18:58
nameh mano b eshgheh to ,,, gozashtand
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چهارشنبه 6 مهرماه سال 1384 20:17
My God plese don't stop loving me and bless me with your kindness,I'lltry to be a better person,I'll try my best,,,please ,,please
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چهارشنبه 6 مهرماه سال 1384 20:15
ok mom said some thing bad as always,,please mom you have a daughter yourself..please be more respectful to tohers,,I have the same problem though,,,we are both very aggressive and think that we are great people and every body else is a piece of shit..that's the botom line....anyway,,I saw greeny today and it was O.K...
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چهارشنبه 6 مهرماه سال 1384 10:36
migam every thing about greeny sseems 80% o.k.The thing is he is kind of loos and a baby and I think "hiz" to some part!but at the same time he is a tall handsome with a phD guy ...who likes me for two years.So let's go for it and stop being a lazy ass.I am 27 years old and have waited a lot which is good but I don't...
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سهشنبه 5 مهرماه سال 1384 22:25
Sometimes I feel like a big looser,,when like the level of rejection goes above my capacity and I just want to die,,like I am not that spirital like I was before and aybe I am,,I don't know,,I feel like God has to take care of me like I am big shot or something and I am better that eeryody else which is not true and...
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سهشنبه 5 مهرماه سال 1384 20:06
I had such a bad day,there is a girl who hates me and I hate her and I saw her! and I had a bad bad confrontation in class with John,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,that was ad,,no one wil ever come Ever ever,,the other two classes were full
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یکشنبه 3 مهرماه سال 1384 18:26
There is no need for me to spend 200 dollors like that,I should just buy a l'oreal high light kit and do it myself .go for some high light to match my eyes and some on my eyebrow........it's just 30 dollors!!