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دوشنبه 30 تیرماه سال 1382 14:28
alan varagheharo dare midah
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یکشنبه 29 تیرماه سال 1382 16:45
Tomorrow I'll be informed of my grade,I'm nervous kind of,,,,I feel sorry for myself cause I have to pass another final exam+Laratory exam which I heard is very difficult,I think professor doesn't like me and I wish I never reregister for this course and I'm full of shit and I hope that God helps me like always and be...
سهشنبه 24 تیرماه سال 1382 20:38
U know what ,no matter what, I have to be blessed and greatfull that it's always thing for me to eat and clothes for me to wear and I have such a good and kind parents...I just have to thank God everyday for the good things that I have no matter how I screwd my exam on monday and I even thought of suicide...
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شنبه 21 تیرماه سال 1382 12:04
I have midterm on monday .Wish me luck plzzz!
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شنبه 14 تیرماه سال 1382 21:13
U know what?! NIKE's motto is quite practical NIKE encourages U to ............ JUST DO IT!!!
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پنجشنبه 12 تیرماه سال 1382 00:08
Miss independent Miss self-sufficient Miss keep your distance Miss unafraid Miss out of my way Miss don't let a man interfere, no Miss on her own Miss almost grown Miss never let a man help her off her throne So, by keeping her heart protected She'd never ever feel rejected Little miss apprehensive Said ooh, she fell...
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چهارشنبه 11 تیرماه سال 1382 23:59
God forgive me please,I'm soooooo sorry I just can't help it,,,,but I'll try,,so hlp me...please love me,don't stop loving me,don't turn your back on me,I need you ,,,help me to be a better person,,help me ,,,,don't leave me on my own..............I'm sorry,,I really am
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سهشنبه 10 تیرماه سال 1382 22:38
Today is Canada's day, Happy Birthday Canada!
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دوشنبه 9 تیرماه سال 1382 13:24
Hey everyone, this summer I just want to go jugging, swimming, and study.......... cause I have some summer course. I want to go to movies alone ,sit somewhere and eat ice-cream ALONE!!,,,,no boy,,,any guy is forbidden ,I just want to have fun and take care of myself and be alone and enjoy the summer in...
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جمعه 6 تیرماه سال 1382 13:06
Damn me!
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چهارشنبه 4 تیرماه سال 1382 21:17
من اگر نیکم و گر بد، تو برو خود را باش | هر کسی آن درود عاقبت کار که کشت (حافظ)
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چهارشنبه 28 خردادماه سال 1382 23:13
I'm kind of a person who always expect the WORST, and hope 4 the BEST
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دوشنبه 26 خردادماه سال 1382 09:22
I don't care what U think of me, cause I LOVE me!
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شنبه 24 خردادماه سال 1382 09:16
When everything goes wrong... ... Remember that it could be still worse!
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شنبه 10 خردادماه سال 1382 16:52
Think of it this way,in 100 years ,who cares!
جمعه 9 خردادماه سال 1382 11:12
I'll get what's meant for me,hope be able to take the steps
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چهارشنبه 7 خردادماه سال 1382 21:47
I can't solve these fucking problems and the assignments are due Friday ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; SOS,,,HELP,,,anyone stdies electronics around here to help me? ps:Today is my birthday!!!
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یکشنبه 4 خردادماه سال 1382 16:54
upeeeeh,,,I'm learning UNIX!!!I'm now at university in the Lab of M.S and P.H.D students,,,,,
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شنبه 3 خردادماه سال 1382 08:09
You are free to express yourself in any way you want so don't hold back on having your say, following your dreams and taking care of number one,,YOU! PS:Have U realized that giving second chance to someone is just giving him a chance to screw it up again?!!!!!!!
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جمعه 2 خردادماه سال 1382 11:04
"Better to light a candle than to curse the darkness."
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پنجشنبه 1 خردادماه سال 1382 18:38
Dress for success
چهارشنبه 31 اردیبهشتماه سال 1382 22:13
Everything doesn't necessarily turn out the way we like in the future,so always expect the WORST so u 'll never be dissapointed and U always remain gratefull with the things that U already have....................
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سهشنبه 30 اردیبهشتماه سال 1382 22:30
album: This Is Me...Then "Im Glad" Baby when I think about The day that we first met Wasn't lookin for what I found But I found you And I'm bound to find happiness in being around you I'm glad when I'm makin love to you I'm glad for the way you make me feel I love it cause you seem to blow my mind every time I'm glad...
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سهشنبه 30 اردیبهشتماه سال 1382 16:48
During my LAB classes in Iran our group were always the last group to leave the Lab ,I had Electronic Lab today and as always I left the Lab too late cause my Experiment took sooooo long,, it's not fair that boys are so good at dealing with electronics stuff,,,,I have to study a lottttttttt
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دوشنبه 29 اردیبهشتماه سال 1382 14:04
It's really great that U wear a mini joop here and it's quite natural and no one goes like in the street,,,,,,,,,,weather is GREAT here ,
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یکشنبه 28 اردیبهشتماه سال 1382 22:20
trying hard to be a better person!! آ ه که چقدر من بدم
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شنبه 27 اردیبهشتماه سال 1382 21:55
Whatever you are, be a good one
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پنجشنبه 25 اردیبهشتماه سال 1382 22:35
Yeah!...here we go. It's a new day, but it all feels old It's a good life, that's what I'm told But everything, it all just feels the same At my high school, it felt more to me like a jail cell, a penitentiary My time spent there it only made me see That I don't ever wanna be like you I don't wanna do the things you...
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پنجشنبه 25 اردیبهشتماه سال 1382 20:58
I want to go to lunch with them tomorrow to see some people, but I won't go because that wouldn't be appropriate............So I'm going to miss the opportunity to meet that Syria guy and other handsome guys :(
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سهشنبه 23 اردیبهشتماه سال 1382 17:39
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