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یکشنبه 23 شهریورماه سال 1382 22:24
بیاموزند که درست نیست خودشان را با دیگران مقایسه کنند
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شنبه 22 شهریورماه سال 1382 13:37
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شنبه 22 شهریورماه سال 1382 13:35
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جمعه 21 شهریورماه سال 1382 15:08
How the hell did we wind up like this Why weren't we able To see the signs that we missed And try to turn the tables I wish you'd unclench your fists And unpack your suitcase Lately there's been too much of this Dont think its too late Nothin's wrong just as long as you know that someday I will Someday, somehow gonna...
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جمعه 21 شهریورماه سال 1382 15:03
Just take your money back and never talk to him again because talking to these kind of people only ruin your day and nothing can come out of it so trust me and don't talk to him again.
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پنجشنبه 20 شهریورماه سال 1382 18:29
Lastnight was fun,but we left early, I have a disease that have to spoil my fun every time that I feel that I'm having it!
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چهارشنبه 19 شهریورماه سال 1382 17:38
I haven't realized before,but guys from brazil are handsome or at least this guy that I saw yesterday was quite goodlooking,,,, koli tahvil gereft, I want to , I mean really want to see him again .Mom left canada to tehran again ....no news from my grade,,,,and tonight is back to school party for iraninan student here...
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دوشنبه 17 شهریورماه سال 1382 22:47
baba nomreharo rad kon martikehhhhhhhhh.....what if my grade won't be what I've expected??? 1)I won't get my green card 2)All my classmates are either chinies,not good looking iranians or indians ,,,,peida konid Canadians ro!! 3)ahhhhhhh I eat like a cow 4) A tall goodlooking, and rich guy who loves me is needed...
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شنبه 15 شهریورماه سال 1382 22:27
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جمعه 14 شهریورماه سال 1382 08:55
I still don't know anything about my grade ,,,,and it's 5th of september....ahhhhhhhhhhhhh,,,,,,,hey I have two courses this term,,solid state devices and semiconductor devices....one of them will start in 30 min, the class is full of chinies so I won't be able to make any friends,,masalan oomadim canada hameh indian...
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دوشنبه 3 شهریورماه سال 1382 11:14
I want to know my grade,,,,where the hell is he,,,,?????????/
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دوشنبه 3 شهریورماه سال 1382 11:13
I want to know my grade,,,,where the hell is he,,,,?????????/
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یکشنبه 2 شهریورماه سال 1382 10:28
زیاده از حد خود را تحت فشار نگذار ، بهترین چیزها در زمانی اتفاق می افتد که انتظارش را نداری گابریل گارسیا مارکز
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یکشنبه 2 شهریورماه سال 1382 10:28
agha khosh gozasht,,,but I'm worried about my final grade,,,,,,
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جمعه 31 مردادماه سال 1382 15:30
FEMME coifure ,,,tomorrow,hey I hope I''l look beutiful tomorrow!
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پنجشنبه 30 مردادماه سال 1382 17:31
Mom came from Iran to visit us
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چهارشنبه 29 مردادماه سال 1382 06:28
Today is my final exam from 2pm to 5pm,,,please help me God , thpugh i don't deserve it but still please ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
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شنبه 25 مردادماه سال 1382 20:42
جوانیم که مثل باد دارد می رود
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پنجشنبه 23 مردادماه سال 1382 09:27
مرا ببخش که نبودم آنچه تو خواستی و نکردم آنچه تو گفتی ...
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پنجشنبه 23 مردادماه سال 1382 08:15
agha in khat in neshoon..........I won't get my greencard and I'll never find my soulmate.........man chera period nemisham???
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یکشنبه 19 مردادماه سال 1382 11:35
I have lab exam tomorrow ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
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یکشنبه 12 مردادماه سال 1382 16:03
THE FIVE SECRETS OF A PERFECT RELATIONSHIP 1. It's important to have a man who helps at home, who cooks from time to time, cleans up and has a job. 2. It's important to have a man who can make you laugh. 3. It's important to have a man who you can trust and who doesn't lie to you. 4. It's important to have a man who...
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شنبه 11 مردادماه سال 1382 20:43
http://winlog.blogspot.com به نام خدایی که خیلی دوسش دارم . به نام خدایی که خیلی دوسم داره. به نام خدایی که منو همونجوری که هستم قبول داره. به نام خدایی که همیشه منو میبخشه. به نام خدایی که هیچ وقت فرصت نشد ازش تشکر کنم. به نام خدایی که همیشه کارای جالب میکنه. به نام خدایی که همیشه به فکر منه. ... همیشه خجالت میکشیدم...
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شنبه 11 مردادماه سال 1382 20:38
Tomorrow I'll go to see this movie
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شنبه 11 مردادماه سال 1382 20:34
I look and stare so deep in your eyes, I touch on you more and more every time, When you leave I'm begging you not to go, Call your name two or three times in a row, Such a funny thing for me to try to explain, How I'm feeling and my pride is the one to blame. 'Cuz I know I don't understand, Just how your love your...
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سهشنبه 7 مردادماه سال 1382 10:06
Oh God my lab will start in 15 min and I'm scared to screw up like always please help me,,,I wonder why they don't answer my mails ,Do I think it had better for me to call them or justr wait or send them another mail???????? That sucks now that I've won and there is nothing wrong with me and I'm young and need it so...
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دوشنبه 6 مردادماه سال 1382 17:43
shodam 16,,1 nomraro behem dad vali 17 mishodam vali digeh room nashod bahash chooneh bezanam haminesham Thank you my God , I love you!....why taey don't answer my mail???in green cardamo ham bedand digeh kheili khoshhal misham,,That will make me to smile atleast for a week which is great feeling so...
یکشنبه 5 مردادماه سال 1382 14:44
If I happend to move upstairs I have to have my own room,,,,remeber your school,,,If U told your mom that the school sucks U could have done better in konkoor so tell your mom that U r not comfortable and U have to have your own room
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شنبه 4 مردادماه سال 1382 17:39
what the hell happend to the comments?
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دوشنبه 30 تیرماه سال 1382 15:46
ok shodam 15 az 20 ,,,,,vali 1 nomreh behem kam dadeh vali fekr nakonam ghabool koneh